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Outreach and Partnerships

One of Bristol Grammar School's stated aims is to be a force for good beyond the school gates. We are aware of the privileges we enjoy just by being part of a school like BGS, and share a deep belief that there is a commensurate responsibility for us to work for the wider good.

Through partnerships with other schools and organisations, and through the sharing of expertise, facilities and time with others, our staff and pupils are able to contribute positively to the wider community and to make a positive and meaningful difference to the world around them. This is, of course, a two-way street – our pupils and our whole school community are enriched by this work, in terms of personal growth, and in terms of the deeper connection we all make with the world beyond BGS.

Each year we produce an Impact Report which aims to understand the impact of these activities – both on those beyond the school gates, and on our own community within. Over the years, we hope this will enable us to develop an even clearer picture of measurable impact, to help us to ensure we are making a difference for as many people as possible. You can read the current Impact Report by clicking on the image below.