Learning support at BGS is for any children who may struggle with elements of their academic studies. This could be due to specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia or dyspraxia, physical disability or having English as an additional language. Our learning support team is dedicated to finding ways to allow these students to achieve their full potential.
Learning Support also offers more general support to our students, providing a place where anyone can come to discuss concerns or request help. With the growing need for some time out space for pupils and to better support pupils with sensory needs, we have created a sensory room in Learning Support. Pupils can come up for some quiet space should they need to, with an aim for them to return to the classroom. Pupils’ mental health is extremely important to us at BGS and the sensory room has proved to be a real asset to pupils’ wellbeing.
All students are monitored and assessed by form tutors and others members of the academic team throughout their school life. Children’s learning profiles are analysed at specific stages throughout their school career and any possible vulnerabilities are followed up with initial diagnostic assessments. The results of these will be discussed with parents to consider more formal assessments if appropriate.
At all levels of the school, one-to-one specialist support in literacy and numeracy can be arranged to take place during school hours and in the Infant and Junior School all classes have TA support.
If you are already aware that your child has specific learning needs, please do let us know when you get in touch about your child joining BGS. We can then arrange for you to meet with our Learning Support department and ensure that we can provide appropriate support, starting with the entrance process and continuing throughout your child's time at BGS.
Growing up in the 21st century presents challenges to young people and at BGS we do all we can to help your child learn to navigate their way through them.
Come and discover the excitement for yourself.
Our aim for your child is for them to leave BGS happy, confident and secure, equipped not just with qualifications but with the skills they will need beyond school.