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In the Sixth Form the School uniform is replaced by a dress code. BGS expects Sixth-form students to dress as if they are attending a professional or business interview.

Members of the Sixth Form are expected to maintain a good standard of appearance and to observe these requirements, not only in and around the School but also when coming to or leaving the School, and when leaving the site during the day.

Full details of the Sixth Form dress code will be sent to students joining us in the Sixth Form as part of the new joiner's pack.

The School’s official supplier of Games kit is Schoolblazer,

You can contact their Customer Services department on 0333 7000703.

We would strongly recommend ensuring you label all the personal possessions and items of clothing you will bring to School. This makes it far easier for us to reunite them with you, should anything be lost or misplaced. If you do lose something, BGS Helpdesk holds all lost property and should be your first port of call.