Enjoyment Do you enjoy the subject? Ask yourself this for each subject you are considering studying. Enjoying subjects and being motivated to explore them fully will be a major factor in your eventual success.
Talent Do you have a natural flair and talent for the subject? If you are to succeed at Sixth Form, you must have an interest in exploring the subject further and have already shown your ability at GCSE. Obviously this won't apply to new subjects, so we recommend seeking advice on your potential.
Skills Does your chosen subject match your existing skill set? Individual courses call for differing techniques and skills, including in-depth reading, essay planning and writing, discussions and debate, and the ability to use equipment (for example in a laboratory).
Looking to the future Does your combination of subjects support your university application and/or your career aspirations? You should consider how your courses complement each other with regards to making applications to higher education. Our careers advisors will be happy to discuss this with you.
As ever ensure you discuss your plans with your parents, teachers, friends and advisors to allow you to make informed and objective decisions that are personal to you. You can't go far wrong by choosing to study a pathway and subjects that you will enjoy now and will support your ambitions for the future.
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Take a look at our Sixth Form Prospectus and Course Guide
Our Sixth Form is an opportunity for you to develop the responsibility, self-discipline and independence that you'll need in adult life.