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Depth and focus

With around thirty A level courses to choose from at BGS, plus a choice of electives to provide enrichment and balance to your main subjects, you’ll find there’s scope for a wide range of subject combinations and interests.

You’ll be asked to select three subjects to follow in your Lower Sixth and Upper Sixth year. If you'd like any advice, based on your academic strengths and future plans, our Careers Department are on hand to help and advise.

In addition to your three subjects, you will also take a subsidiary 'elective' to complement your other studies. Options include the AFA Creative Writing course, the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) and Further Maths A level or the Core Maths qualification.

Full details of the A levels courses offered are available in our Sixth Form prospectus or from Your BGS Sixth Form section.

How to apply

Every year we welcome a large number of new students into our Sixth Form, and you'll quickly feel part of the BGS family.

School Life
School Life

At BGS, ensuring you are happy and enjoying school life is at the heart of all we do.

Your BGS Sixth Form
A World of Opportunities

Our Sixth Form is an opportunity for you to develop the responsibility, self-discipline and independence that you'll need in adult life.