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The path ahead

Whatever your aims and ambitions, the Sixth Form at Bristol Grammar School can offer you all the support and guidance you need to get there.

Every year we welcome a large number of new students into our Sixth Form. It’s a warm and friendly community and you’ll quickly feel at home and become a part of the BGS family.

At BGS you’ll be a member of a small tutor group, based around the subjects you are studying. Your tutor will stay with you for the two years of your Sixth Form studies and will be there to help you stay on the right path, academically and pastorally.

When you join BGS, you’ll become a member of a House, one of six ‘families’ within BGS and the basis for lots of activities and friendly competitions, from singing to sports day. The Houses are a great way to make friends and get to know other students, and your Head of House is an additional source of support, should you find yourself in need of any advice or guidance.

We hope that your Sixth Form years will be happy ones, but life can present all of us with challenges. If you find yourself struggling, be it with something at school, home or just life in general, BGS also has two fully qualified counsellors available to help you find your way again.

You’ll also be able to access our impressive Future Pathways department, a dedicated and experienced team who can help you plot your route to wherever it is you want to go. And if you don’t know where that is yet, they’ll be able to help you figure it out. While the majority of our students go on to university, we also support students planning Gap years or looking to find an apprenticeship or a job.

Support from Old Bristolians (OBs), our former pupils, helps us to run events where you can find out first-hand about your options after Sixth Form, what university, travelling or your preferred career are really like. And OBs and parents also provide support for our Mock Interview Evening, where you can get some real life interview practice in, in preparation for any applications you make.

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Come and discover the excitement for yourself.

Beyond BGS
Future Pathways

Helping you plan for your next steps beyond BGS is a crucial element to Sixth Form life.

School Life
Care and Wellbeing

Growing up in the 21st century presents challenges to young people and at BGS we do all we can to help your child learn to navigate their way through them.