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Year 3–6

The BGS Junior day starts at 8.30am. You can drop your child off at Breakfast Club, held in the JCR in the Sixth Form Centre, from 7.45am or from 8.15am in the main playground.

The morning will consist of three lessons and usually an assembly. Lunch will be at 12.00pm each day following the Infants, and your child will be able to choose from a selection of hot meals and salads. The lunch break finishes at 1.10pm when pupils will either go to afternoon lessons or will travel up to Failand for their Games afternoon. The day ends at 3.40pm but the playground is supervised until 4.00pm so that children who have siblings in the Senior School can be collected at the same time.

If you would like to collect your child later than 4.00pm they can attend Homework Time until 4.30pm or you can book them into after-school care.

After-school care runs daily in term-time until 5.45pm. This is run in a Junior School classroom by our Teaching Assistants so your child will be in a familiar environment, with familiar faces around them. Places must be booked at least 24 hours in advance, and the cost for sessions will be added to your termly bill. The School will accept Childcare Vouchers for After-School Care.

Teachers also run a range of after-school Clubs which your child might choose to take part in. These typically run for 45 minutes at the end of the School day and offer your child the chance to try a new hobby or pursue an interest, and to spend some time with friends.

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Growing up in the 21st century presents challenges to young people and at BGS we do all we can to help your child learn to navigate their way through them.