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Refugee Admissions Programme

Refugee Admissions Programme

BGS has developed this scheme in consultation with Bristol City Council to help provide much-needed school places for refugees who are seeking sanctuary in our city. A limited number of places are available in Years 7–9. We may also be able to offer some places in Lower Sixth (Year 12), dependent on an applicant's subject choices.

Who is eligible?

The scheme is open to any child refugees newly arriving in the UK, subject to places being available in the relevant year-group. Year 7 pupils are usually aged 11 or 12, Year 8 pupils aged 12 or 13, and Year 9 pupils aged 13 or 14.

Places will be offered to prospective pupils who have a level of English that means they can access most content in most lessons without individual ESL support and an academic ability profile that is similar to the school’s own so that they can fully integrate into the life of the school.

How long is the place offered for?

Places are offered on a temporary basis, usually for an initial period of 6 months, after which places will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis every 3 months. In the longer term, we hope to make offers of permanent places to those children who would benefit from it.

What about school fees?

Thanks to generous philanthropic donations we can offer financial support to cover the costs of attending BGS. The BGS Admissions team can provide further details of the school's financial support.

How do I apply?

If you are the parent or guardian of a refugee child, or hosting a refugee family and think the BGS scheme may be suitable, please contact our Admissions team on 0117 933 9885 or at for further information.

We also recommend you contact Bristol City Council at They will be able to give you latest information about available school places at schools across the city.

There is more information on support for refugees applying for school places available at this government webpage

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The School day

The school day starts at 8.30am for all pupils. There is also before- and after-school provision to support family life.