During the first two weeks back after half term, 432 pupils, from Year 6 to the Upper Sixth, took part in the annual BEBRAS Computational Thinking Challenges. BEBRAS is the computing equivalent of the maths challenges that many Bristol Grammar School pupils have taken part in over the years. BGS scored above the national average in each of the four categories for the third year running, with some exceptional individual performances. Certificates were awarded in classes for Merit and Distinction awards, with the pupils who achieved the highest marks in each of the age categories awarded their certificates in whole school assembly.
Our congratulations to all who took part and especially to:
Zoe (Year 7) - awarded the Best in School for Juniors, Zoe also achieved the highest score across all categories.
Daniel (Year 9) - awarded the Best in School for the Intermediate category.
Finlay (Year 11) - awarded the Best in School for the Senior category.
Adam Robarts (Upper Sixth) - awarded the best in School for the Elite category.
Both Zoe and fellow Year 7 pupil Charlie achieved exceptionally high results, placing them in the top 10% of the country for their category. As a consequence, Zoe and Charlie have been invited to attend the national final at Oxford University in early 2019. Well done to them both, and best of luck in the final next year.