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Year 7 at Woodhouse Park

In the third week of term, all of Year 7 spent two days at Woodhouse Park on Year 7 camp. Fire-lighting, team-building, blackberry picking and, of course, the obstacle course, were all highlights, but best of all everyone had the chance to get to know each other and make lots of new friends.

Here's what Annie (Year 7, Short's House) thought about the trip:

'A few days ago I went on Year 7 camp, it was amazing! I got to meet lots of different people and made seven new friends.

'During the two days we did lots of activities such as orienteering and my favourite… the assault course! It was cold, wet and muddy but extremely good fun. You did things like going under a low metal bar in freezing water and going underground in dirty water. It may sound unpleasant but it was great, also the showers were really nice!'
