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BGS pupils recently competed at Westminster School Model United Nations, known as WESMUN. This conference included students from Morocco and Italy and addressed issues as diverse as climate change, preventing an arms race in outer space and the conflict in northern Mali. After an opening address by distinguished philosopher Professor A C Grayling the BGS students representing Saudi Arabia and Peru settled to a weekend of intensive lobbying, debating and resolution-writing, culminating in a General Assembly where awards were distributed to the most effective students and delegations.

BGS delegates representing Saudi Arabia were declared one of three Distinguished Delegations, with individual awards for Elliot, Ollie and particularly for Jack, chosen as Outstanding Delegate on his committee. In addition, there were awards to Inigo and Kyle representing Peru and special praise for Year 11 pupil Sol on his first-ever Security Council, where he was chosen as Outstanding Delegate.

This cluster of awards confirms BGS as one of the best MUN schools in the country. Secretary-General Jack commented: ‘This was a great conference. We were literally next door to Westminster Abbey and the House of Commons, at one of the best schools in the country. Can we go back next year?’