Our annual Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) Showcase took place last month and saw over 60 EPQ students sharing their completed projects with a visiting audience of students, staff and families.
Their projects covered a whole range of topics, with essays on such diverse subjects as the antibacterial properties of Manuka Honey, the digitisation of music, and the treatment of Phantom Limb Pain. Artefacts created included: the best chocolate cake recipe for those on restricted diets; crochet instructions for a beginner; and the creation of a catwalk piece from recycled material.
This variety highlights one of the real strengths of the EPQ – it enables students to pick any topic that interests them and to shape their own research and final output – and explains why it is such a popular elective choice in BGS Sixth Form.
Congratulations to this year's EPQ cohort on some thoroughly fascinating and well presented projects, and best of luck to you all when the results are revealed in January.