We were delighted to award the inaugural Sarah Stevens Award at our Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2023 Presentation Evening. Competition organiser Mr Harford reflected on the amazing support Sarah had shown for the competition, enthusiastically encouraging the pupils in the Juniors and Infants with her photography clubs and giving them the confidence to enter their own images in to the competition; the traditional high numbers of entries and quality compositions from BGS Infants and Juniors are in no small part due to her warmth, kindness and teaching of technical skills. She believed in enjoying and embracing the wildlife in the natural world and was herself an annual entrant to our competition, winning the first year in 2005, and receiving many accolades for her beautifully framed images over subsequent years.
The Sarah Stevens Award 2023 is a photo of three fledgling ravens on their nest above BGS Great Hall, capturing local wildlife here at her school; very apt. Sarah is missed by many in the BGS community and we look forward to this being an annual award to commemorate her wildlife photography legacy.